How Hot is 375 on Stove Top?

Cooking often requires bringing foods up to specific temperatures to achieve the desired results. One common cooking temperature is 375 degrees Fahrenheit. But how hot is 375 degrees on a stove top? 

This article will explain what 375 degrees means in cooking terms and provide tips for safely using this amount of heat.

How Hot is 375 on Stove Top

The Fahrenheit Temperature Scale

To understand how hot 375 degrees F is, it helps to first review the Fahrenheit scale. Fahrenheit is the most common temperature scale used for cooking in the United States.

On the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at 32 degrees F and boils at 212 degrees F. Temperature ranges for cooking are typically marked from warm or low heat around 200-250 degrees F up to very hot or high heat from 350-450 degrees F.

What is considered a high cooking temperature?

Temperatures from 350-450 degrees F are considered high heat for cooking. 370-400 degrees F is usually classified as medium-high to high heat.

375 Degrees is Very Hot on the Stove Top

A temperature of 375 degrees Fahrenheit is considered very hot on a stove top. This amount of heat is suitable for tasks like frying, sautéing, or searing.

Foods cooked at 375 degrees F will brown quickly. Meats will develop a nice sear and vegetables and other items will caramelize at this temperature.

Oils and fats will shimmer and bubble rapidly at 375 F. Foods added to pans at this heat will immediately start to sizzle vigorously.

How to reach 375 degrees on a stove top

To reach 375 F on a stove top, the burner will need to be turned to medium-high or high heat. Most home stove tops max out at temperatures around 500-550 F on the highest setting.

Cooking with 375 Degree Heat

375 degrees F allows food to cook quickly while still retaining moisture and tenderness on the inside. Here are some examples of recipes using this amount of heat:

  • Steaks can be fried at 375 F to develop a flavorful, brown crust while staying juicy inside. Just 1-2 minutes per side is enough to sear steaks.
  • Boneless chicken breasts, fish fillets like salmon or tilapia, and tofu can be sautéed over 375 degree heat. The high heat browns the exterior while locking in natural juices.
  • Vegetables like zucchini, bell peppers, broccoli, and green beans can be stir-fried at 375 F for colorful, crisp-tender results. The high heat also caramelizes the natural sugars.
  • This temperature is perfect for cooking ingredients like diced aromatics, meats, poultry, or veggies in a pan before adding liquid. High heat helps develop lots of flavor.

What happens if the heat is too high when cooking?

If the temperature goes above 375 F, food is more likely to burn or dry out. Oils can smoke or reach their smoke points. Pans may also be damaged if overheated empty. Moderating the heat helps prevent these issues.

Safety Tips for 375 Degree Cooking

While 375 F heat achieves delicious results, it also requires caution to prevent burns. Here are some tips:

  • Always use pot holders or oven mitts when grabbing pans or handling lids. Leave mitts or potholders near the stove.
  • Avoid leaning directly over a 375 degree pan, as steam and splatter rise rapidly.
  • Keep a lid nearby to quickly smother flare-ups if oils ignite. Turn off the heat immediately.
  • Turn on exhaust fans over the stove to help clear away steam and smoke. Open windows if needed.
  • Use metal tongs or spoons to flip or move food instead of plastic utensils, which can melt.
  • Keep kids and pets away from the stove when using high heat.


In summary, 375 degrees Fahrenheit is classified as very hot in cooking terms. This amount of heat allows quick cooking times and can nicely brown and caramelize foods. However, appropriate caution is needed when working with 375 degree pans to prevent burns. Following basic safety tips will keep the cooking process safe and enjoyable.

Other Stove Top Cooking Temperature Settings

In addition to 375 degrees F, stove tops are used to reach a wide range of temperatures suited for different cooking methods. Here are some common examples:

  1. 200-250 F – Low to medium-low heat typically used for simmering sauces, cooking grains, poaching seafood, or heating milk.
  2. 300-350 F – Medium heat good for sautéing vegetables, cooking eggs, baking casseroles, or browning ground meats.
  3. 400-450 F – High heat used for boiling water quickly, deep frying foods in oil, searing steaks, or stir frying.
  4. 500-550 F – Maximum high heat on most home stoves, only used for short time periods to brown or char food.
  5. 160-200 F – Very low “warm” setting used to keep cooked food hot or melt butter/chocolate gently.

What Setting is 375 on Different Types of Oven

Oven TypeTemperature Setting for 375F
Conventional Oven350-375F
Convection Oven325-350F
Toaster Oven350-375F
Microwave OvenLevel 7-8 (medium-high)
Air Fryer370-390F
Electric Skillet350-375F
Slow CookerHigh or sear setting
Pizza Oven400-450F

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of pans should be used for 375 degree cooking?

Thick, heavy pans like stainless steel or cast iron work best for reaching and maintaining 375 F heat. Avoid thin, warped pans which can scorch food.

Is it necessary to use oil when cooking at 375 degrees?

Yes, adding a heat-stable oil will help prevent sticking and transfer heat efficiently at this temperature. Coat pans before heating.

What oven temperature is equivalent to 375 degrees on the stovetop?

375 degrees F translates to a standard oven setting of about 350-400 degrees F. Oven air heat is drier than stovetop, so slightly lower temps are used.

Can I reuse oil after deep frying at 375 degrees F?

No, oil heated to 375 F likely exceeds the smoke point and absorbs food particles, so should be discarded after one use.

Is 375 degrees high enough to ignite a grease fire?

Yes, oils can auto-ignite at temperatures above 370 F. Always keep baking soda or a lid nearby just in case.

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