Oven Popped And Tripped Breaker | Reasons and Solutions

An oven may make cracking sounds while cooking, heating, and also when it cools down. It may sound like the oven is broken but it is completely normal. But, continuous sounds like that may indicate the oven is broken.  If the bake element burns out, the control board relay becomes jammed and shorts out. If there is an exposed wire on the bake element that causes a short circuit, the oven could blow and trip the breaker. It also makes this popping sound. So, you should not avoid the oven popping sound. The oven and the circuit must be checked when it is necessary.

Oven Popped And Tripped Breaker

Why Does Oven Pop?

There may be popping or crackling sounds emanating from the oven due to the heating and cooling of steel and porcelain, along with the movement of electric elements within their mounting brackets. That is common. It can also make a popping sound when turned off. This is because when the gas valve snaps open from the solenoid. It will emit a single pop while it is opening or cycling on. It makes a noise that is like a suction cup being removed from some glass.

What Happens When Your Oven Pops?

You may hear the sound of cracking, and oil canning when your oven pops. This can happen due to the heating and cooling of the steel and porcelain or the movement of the electric elements in their mounting brackets.

Metal components experience thermal expansion as a gas oven heats up; this may be normal. If caused by thermal expansion, gas appliance popping will typically manifest as a single popping sound. It happens once during heat-up or during cool-down after the burner or heater is turned off. Please follow the steps below to check whether your oven is broken or not by popping it.

  • 1. You notice the emission of gas.
  • 2. The burner won’t properly heat up.
  • 3. Preheating takes a long time.
  • 4. Strange noises can be heard coming from the oven.
  • 5. Food Isn’t Cooked as Originally Planned.

If you see these then your oven is broken by popping. You need to call a technician or replace your oven.

What Would Cause An Oven To Trip Breaker?

Your oven probably overloads the circuit, isn’t plugged in properly, or has a broken plug if it trips your circuit breaker. The oven could be shorted as a result of a component inside the oven being damaged. Oven wires may occasionally burn due to the high current drawn. The oven could become short because of these damaged cables. If several appliances are frequently connected to the same wall socket, the wall socket may become overloaded.

Three common causes of electrical trips in your oven

1) Circuit malfunction. The technician will examine the circuit for overload.

2) A wiring or power plug issue with the oven. The current can be measured by a professional while the oven is not in use.

3) An issue with the oven’s parts.

How To Find Out What Is Causing The Oven To Trip Break?

Get your oven and check which switches on the consumer unit have tripped to the OFF position by opening the cover. Return them to the ON setting. If tripping happens again, a malfunctioning appliance is probably to blame. You must determine which appliance on the offending circuit is the root of the issue.

How To Stop Your Oven From Trip Breaker?

Never overload a single circuit. By simply not overloading one circuit, you can stop your circuit breaker from tripping frequently. Your electrical load will be spread out among several circuits. This means that each breaker won’t have to support the entire amount of electricity running through it.

A circuit breaker that is constantly tripping should not be ignored. This is a symptom that one of your circuits is frequently overwhelmed. Your circuits can only withstand a certain amount of voltage. You run the risk of starting an electrical fire if the voltage is higher.

Can the Oven Trip Because Of Moisture?

When set to a high temperature, a seldom-used oven could trip. Why? Because moisture can accumulate on the heating elements and in the tiny space between them and their holders. Which increases the conductivity of the white powder inside the part. When you turn on the oven, this makes it trip.

You can stop this by using fans and dampers. Fixed-speed extraction fans and extraction dampers are typically used to regulate humidity in existing ovens. Modern ovens typically have variable-speed extraction fans that regulate the humidity.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Why Does The Safety Switch In Your Oven Trip?

The RCD being tripped by your oven is typically caused by an earth leak or dead short. You are more likely to experience an open circuit in this situation. You must get in touch with an experienced electrician.

How To Stop The Oven From Tripping?

In order to stop the oven from tripping, you only need to leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes once a week at 150 degrees Celsius. Even though most ovens trip, if not used regularly. Different manufacturers have different tolerance levels for the quantity of moisture. It can exist inside the heating element.

Why Is My Oven Tripping The Breaker So Frequently?

Not only is it frustrating when an appliance frequently trips your circuit breaker. But it may also be a sign of something more serious. The most likely causes of this issue are an overloaded circuit, an appliance that is too hot, an electrical short, or a ground fault.


An electric oven may sound like it is cracking or squashed like a can if it is popped. It can happen because of the regular use of an oven and it can happen during the time of heating or cooling down. It is normal. 

But sometimes the oven trip breaks and makes this sound which is unavoidable. It can be a significant problem for your oven if it tripped the breaker. It can happen when a circuit is short or if there is an overload in the circuit. So, you should check it often if you use your oven frequently. After checking you can fix it or you can contact a technician to solve the problem. This is how you can save your oven from trip breaking.

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