What Does F31 Mean on a Frigidaire Oven | Is It a Bad Sign?

When your Frigidaire oven displays the cryptic code “F31,” it’s a warning sign that something’s amiss with your appliance. F31 indicates a potential issue with your oven sensor or control board. Test the sensor by removing a thin metal rod on the back wall to diagnose the problem. The implications of ignoring it can range from ineffective cooking results to potential safety concerns.

In this guide, we’ll unravel the mystery of the F31 error, explaining what it signifies, the underlying causes, and the essential steps you can take to resolve it. Understanding and addressing the F31 error is key to ensuring your Frigidaire oven operates smoothly and reliably.

What Does F31 Mean on a Frigidaire Oven

What Does F31 Actually Mean on a Frigidaire Oven?

If the code f31 occurs on the controlling display in the frigidaire oven, you can’t use your oven without fixing the oven. This f31 code indicates a shorted temperature sensor or circuit in your oven. 

When you face this error, your oven won’t run until you fix it. Wrong signals in temperature may put you at risk and ruin your food. But nothing to worry about; you can quickly fix it by following some simple steps. 

Troubleshooting and Fixing F31 Error

When your Frigidaire oven displays the F31 error code, it’s crucial to diagnose and resolve the issue promptly. This code usually indicates a problem with the oven sensor or the control board. Follow these steps to troubleshoot and fix the F31 error:

Check the Wiring Connections

Check the wiring connection first. To do that, switch off the oven connection and other propane connections. After that, remove the screws and open the back panel. Now check all wiring connections and remove all connections. Finally, fix those again like before. Plug all the screws and turn on your oven. Does it work? If the oven works properly and doesn’t show the f31 signal again, you are successful. If not, there may be trouble in your sensor circuits. Let’s check it out.

Check the Sensor Circuit

To check the sensor circuit, plug out the wire connection of the sensor and check it at standard room temperature. Measure the volume through purple wires on the connection line with your voltmeter set to check resistance. At standard temperature, it should test approximately 1,080 ohms. If the sensor meets the requirements, then set all those connections like before; otherwise, you must change the sensor. 

Once you find the exact problem and fix it, the f31 signal will be fixed, and now you can use your frigidaire oven as usual.

How Can I Test the Temperature Sensor in My Oven?

It’s simple to check your oven’s temperature sensor probe. Measure the volume between the two wires at the end of the sensor connector at room temperature.  The sensor’s resistance should be between 1080 and 1090 ohms at the standard room temperature. Thus you can test your temperature sensor.

Temperature Sensor’s Price of a Frigidaire Oven

The temperature sensor of the frigidaire oven may cause an error f31 signal. Sometimes this sensor can spoil and not show us the temperature range. It must hamper your cooking experience. If the sensor spoils out, replace it quickly. You can easily find out that sensor from your nearest shop. It may cost 20-50 USD to buy a new one.

Frequently Ask Questions

How can I fix the F31 error on my Frigidaire oven?

You can fix the F31 error by addressing the underlying issue. It’s typically caused by a malfunctioning oven sensor or a faulty control board. First, test the sensor by removing the thin metal rod attached to the back wall. If it’s faulty, replace it. If the issue persists, you may need to consult a professional for control board diagnostics and replacement.

Can I continue using my oven with the F31 error code displayed?

It’s not advisable to use your oven with the F31 error code present. This error indicates a temperature sensor or control board problem, which can lead to inaccurate temperature readings and pose a risk to your cooking. It’s essential to resolve the issue before safely using your oven again.

How much does it cost to replace the temperature sensor in a Frigidaire oven?

The cost of a replacement temperature sensor for a Frigidaire oven can vary depending on the model and your location. On average, it may range from $20 to $50 USD. It’s recommended to check with local appliance part suppliers or contact Frigidaire for specific pricing and availability.

How Do You Remove the Error Code on a Frigidaire Stove?

Error codes display to you aware of any problems on your frigidaire stove.  For example, f30 indicates an irregular power supply in your oven, and f31 indicates a temperature circuit or sensor problem. There are some reasons behind those problems, and error codes encourage you to fix them. To remove those error codes, fix the problems first. The system will not let you turn on the oven without fixing errors.

What Does Frigidaire Code F30 Mean?

F30 in frigidaire means hollow probe connection. The cable connecting the proof may be loose from the circuit, and you just need to fix it. You may also spoil the proof sensor that indicates f30 in your oven. If so, you need to open the panel with a screwdriver and find the probe sensor. You can also bring your oven to a service center. After replacing the probe sensor, plug all screws and restart the frigidaire oven. We hope the oven starts properly.


F31 shows that there is an error with the temperature sensor or circuit in your frigidaire oven. Moreover, it indicates the risks of using your oven, which could spoil your food. Until you repair the issue, you cannot use it. 

Sometimes, just an error cable connection shows this error. Just oven the back panel and fix it up to run your oven correctly. Otherwise, your sensor circuit or the temperature sensor may spoil. There you have to replace your sensor or the circuit. You can hire an expert to replace those if you feel awkward with electrical issues. 

F 31 signals nothing is a big issue in your oven, just follow these steps mentioned in the article and use your oven like before. 

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